Thursday, November 12, 2009

Changes, ch-ch-ch-changes. Your thoughts?

Now that I have been blogging for a little over a year, I want to make some changes here at P.P.P. After reading a post by J. Kaye on book reviews that engendered a lot of terrific comments, I know I need to make my reviews much shorter. Maybe more on the line of Show Me Five Meme because in reality, how much more do you need to know about a book? I probably only review 10-20% of the books I read because reviews to me are so hard to do and I know I am terrible at it. So, hopefully more reviews or just thoughts and opinions that are much more concise.

After reading another great discussion, this time about awards at The Bumbles, I have decided to become an award free blog. Please don't take this as being unappreciative of all the wonderful bloggers who have awarded me in the past. I truly value every one but I do want to find other ways to highlight or acknowledge blogs that I like without them having to jump through the hoops of award giving and linking. A link to past awards will now be on the sidebar. (Honestly, it's in the works)

If I have reviewed a book that you also reviewed and would like me to link to your review, please let me know and I would be most happy to do that. The more opinions, the better! Speaking of links, for a while now I have not been allowing backlinks due to too many (7) on one post that had nothing to do with my post and always from the same blog site. I mean one or two, no problem; but 7, that's just too many in my opinion. That policy will not change. Again, I am happy to link to your blog or review if it is relevant to that particular post.

Okay, now I will probably qualify for the cratchity crab award. Just be advised it will not show up in an actual post but in the sidebar as a link. ;-) (did I tell you that I'm working on that ?)

Contests (and I hope to have more of them in 2010) will now be for followers only. Want to enter? Become a follower! Saves up the tallying of bonus points. I'm toying with the idea of a random follower appreciation contest for best comment on any post of the month. What do y'all think of that idea?

Streamlining is the key word for the new year. Of course, this could all change at any moment and one click on the delete button and the whole blog could just go poooff. I know one thing for sure though, I want to read more books on my own shelves and from my tbr list in the following year.

Any suggestions for more improvements or just general feedback would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Kaye,
    I loved all of your ideas for next year. I especially like the short reviews. I'm going to do this too except for Book Tours. I applaud the award free blog becomes very cumbersome to keep up with it all. Maybe we can start a movement and have everyone pledge not to do awards next year :)

  2. First, I want to say I LOVE the Ms. Not so pudgy on your right sidebar : )

    I'm totally on board with you on the "Show Me Five Meme- type reviews". Mine are usually quite short compared to other bloggers. I just don't have the confidence (not sure if that's the right word, lol) to expound on a book. I will, however, write a longer review when the book is for a blog tour. I even hesitate to call my thoughts a review. That's why I usually start with "my thoughts".

    Also, I'm going to also become an award-free blog. I appreciate the awards I've received, don't get me wrong, but I'm not doing this for awards and really don't (this sounds terrible) enjoy passing them to other bloggers. Ok, I said it. I follow a lot of blogs and appreciate everything they put into their great blogs, but I don't want to add awards into my appreciation mix, so to speak.

    I never have allowed backlinks. I will ask a blogger from time to time if I can link to their blog for a review.

    The other points in your post: hey, it's your blog and you can present it any way you choose. Ultimately, we want to enjoy this, right?

    Thanks for giving me the nudge to think about these points.

  3. Good thoughts and idea.

    As for reviews, mine are usually short, they tend to get longer when I adore the language and style

  4. You have obviously given a lot of thought and consideration to PPP's second blogging year. I love all the ideas, especially the shorter reviews. I also feel very inept at writing a quality review, and therefore it takes me forever to complete one.

    Hope you have a great day!!!

  5. I think it's great to make some changes from time to time. I think we (I really mean me!)get stuck in ruts all too often. Good luck!

  6. Good for you Kaye! I can't see what kind of changes you implement in the next year. I think I have become an award free blog also. I found that I put so much time into my other posts that it was really becoming way too time consuming to put an award post together. It always feels good to be acknowledged by an award, but I just don't want the work that comes with it.

  7. I love receiving awards as well, but it is tough to keep up with everyone and reassign them.

    I like short posts that are done well, but they have to tell me something more than the book jacket.

    I tend to write longer reviews, which may not be for everyone, but I attempt to keep them spoiler free.

    Kaye, I wish you luck with your goals for 2010. I will still follow and try to comment more. My one goal for the new year is to reduce the blogs in my google reader because I can't keep up on anyone now.

  8. I have problems writing short reviews..or short anything. I am wordy...what can I say. But longer is not better.

    I agree about the awards. as someone said somewhere...maybe the starts to feel like a chain letter.

    Our blogs ultimately have to be something that we are happy with..or what is the point?

  9. Hurray for Kaye! I love your blog any way you do it and these changes sound great too. That's whats fun about our blogs - they're all different! We shouldn't do everything the same or it would be boring for the reader and the writer. These blogs take a lot of work and if we don't enjoy doing it then it just becomes a chore. Do what works for you and have fun! I think your reviews are wonderful already but shorter is fine too. We aren't professionals here but we are all doing our best and I think it shows. I also agree about the awards. I am sooo honored each and every time one is given to me but they do take a lot of work for everyone involved.

    I know you've put a lot of thought and effort into this and I think it will only make PPP even better. This is one of my favorite places to visit and I support whatever you decide. You do a terrific job here. Go penguins! :)

  10. Sounds like a good plan--and I don't think you qualify for the cratchity crab award :)

  11. Kudos on your blog evaluation and taking stock as you enter your next year. I think it is a great exercise and it feels good to make changes.

    As a never-ending rambler I was happy to discover recently that readers aren't necessarily turned off by long posts, but more by long paragraphs. If you have a lot to say, go for it. Just break it up into bursts and people seem to be more inclined to keep reading.

    As for awards, I certainly wasn't trying to make anyone go award free zone with their blogs - they are nice and helpful to introducing people to each other if done well. But that onus to "have" to pass them along is always tricky. So by pronouncing yourself award free at least clarifies and removes guilt. I like the crotchity crab award - can I have that one? ;0)

  12. What a fantastic post Kaye, I love the changes you're implementing and I hope entering my 2nd year of blogging that I can make changes that make my blog much more 'me' friendly LOL

    The competitions on my blog are for followers only and I have also been looking at other ways to acknowledge faithful commenters so I loved all your ideas.

    I'm finding, probably because I'm so disorganised :-) that stressing about book reviews, feeling guilty about awards I haven't passed on, takes the enjoyment out of reading and cuts down on my blog visiting time (I too am following way too many to visit all, and then I get stressed and visit none LOL)

    Kudos to you Kaye, I hope all the changes work for you, they sound great. I hope to get myself as organised so I can pop in a little more often.

  13. My reviews tend to be fairly short. I know that I heavily skim long reviews and so I try to write what I like to read. But that doesn't mean my style fits everyone...

    I also have become award free, even though I never made an announcement about it. I felt like the awards were starting to become like those emails...pass this on to 5 of your best friends or you will have bad luck forever!

    I think the most important thing is that our blogs are how we want them to be, not how we feel they should be.

  14. I think your changes are good ones. I hear you about awards. I have been so bad lately about passing them on and I feel like when I do I am passing along the same time consuming problem. I am going to think about being award free instead of just hiding from them like I do now. You are brave to do this.

    I'm not sure I understand what backlinks are. Is that when someone comments and leaves a link back to their post or blog in the comment. I didn't know I could allow or not allow that unless I delete the comment.Hmm I really need to find out what they are.
    Good for you for doing what makes you happy with YOUR blog!!
    Reviews should be however length you want to write them

  15. I'll still be reading no matter what you decide to do but I have to say that I'm one of those who likes the longer reviews. I don't mind the shorter memes on books - depending on the book but I think some books just warrant more words. But everyone is different. I write my reviews just as much for me as for anyone reading. Can't wait to see what you decide to do though.

  16. Hi Kaye -
    Sounds like we are making some changes in the new year! I like your Show Me Five! That might be good for my own reviews when I get to do those! Most of my reviewing has been for official sites so I have to do the official format! I do hope to cut back on that next year!

    I have received some awards but have yet to set up an award post! I'm with you - one more thiing to do and even have to work on picking people to pass them to! :)

    My blog doesn't get significant comments yet so that wouldn't work for me but it might for you!

    Yes - let's all streamline!! Best wishes on your changes!

    Did I see a trip to Russia coming up! WHOO HOO!

  17. I like the ideas. I'm bad at concise. I really like writing longer reviews. I really don't like the passing of awards around...only because I feel guilty if I don't pass them along or want to pass them onto everyone.

    Good luck with your goals.


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