Saturday, September 24, 2011

Winner of Thread Reckoning

Oy! My head is spinning. I thought using google docs. would make things easier but not in this case. That's one of the things about docs that I don't like personally because sometimes it's hard to remember if I entered a contest or not. If the entry is in comment form, I can check to see if I've entered. Besides the print is way too small for these old eyes!

 Obviously, other people have the same problem;  I found people who entered 2 or 3 times. For future contests I will be reverting to comments or e mail for entries.

By the time I went through it again and again to make sure it was right and deleting the duplicate entries a winner was selected and that winner is  . . . . . . . . . . .

Ellie W! Congrats Ellie. Hope you enjoy the book!


  1. I've never won a book giveaway, but then again, I don't enter very often. That also means, I don't understand the difficulty of googledocs versus comments. Love your penguin pics though.

  2. Congrats, Ellie!

    I use google docs. Every once in a while I get a double entry but, since I don't get tons of entries, it's not too hard to delete. If you get a lot I can see where comments would be the way to go.

  3. Congrats to Ellie!

    That poor penguin!!

  4. Congratulations to the winner! I hope she enjoys the book!

  5. what a nasty birdie..
    and I have the same issue with contests that use Google docs forms. I am sure I have entered contest more than once of sites that use it.


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